Rebuilding Exchange Evanston Nest learning thermostat
Rebuilding Exchange invests in our communities by reusing building materials, reducing construction waste, and training, supporting, and connecting people seeking careers in the building trades.
Rebuilding Exchange Chicago Velux Step Flashing Kit
Rebuilding Exchange invests in our communities by reusing building materials, reducing construction waste, and training, supporting, and connecting people seeking careers in the building trades.
Rebuilding Exchange Evanston Curtain Rod Holders
Oil -Rubbed Bronze Set of 5
Rebuilding Exchange Evanston SkilSaw Recipro Saw
Model #577 2 speeds 2 multipacks of extra blades
Rebuilding Exchange Chicago Glass Orb Knob Set
Incl. 2 glass orb knobs with brass embellishment, spindle and mortise. Key not included Knob approx. 2” in diameter Located in Chicago warehouse
Rebuilding Exchange Chicago Baldwin Polished Chrome 4pc
4 component set for individual passage knob set. 4 separate packages include (1) Bagged Adapter (1) Box of 2 chrome knobs with set screws (1) Box of 2 chrome rosettes (1) box with strike plate and mortise Polished Chrome Finish Open box, never before installed. Located at Chicago Warehouse
Rebuilding Exchange Evanston Plated Brass Hanging Light
Rebuilding Exchange invests in our communities by reusing building materials, reducing construction waste, and training, supporting, and connecting people seeking careers in the building trades.
Rebuilding Exchange Evanston Hardware Organizer
Rebuilding Exchange invests in our communities by reusing building materials, reducing construction waste, and training, supporting, and connecting people seeking careers in the building trades.
Rebuilding Exchange Chicago Moen Align Tub and Shower Faucet Trim with Lever Handle
Matte Black Finish Hardware that is included is pictured. Located in Chicago warehouse Retails for $400
Rebuilding Exchange Chicago Pin Insulator
Vintage Glass Pin Insulator in Various Colors
Rebuilding Exchange Evanston Bosch Jigsaw w/ Blades
Includes 25 blades
Rebuilding Exchange Chicago Small Brass Seguin Chandelier
Rebuilding Exchange invests in our communities by reusing building materials, reducing construction waste, and training, supporting, and connecting people seeking careers in the building trades.