Rebuilding Exchange Chicago Brass Andirons
25 inches tall, 9 inches depth of base. Lots of vintage patina, little brass feet
Rebuilding Exchange Evanston Brass Fireplace Accessories
Includes tongs, poker, and broom
Rebuilding Exchange Evanston Brass & Glass Fireplace Screen
Dimensions: 38”W x 33.5”H Brass and glass
Rebuilding Exchange Evanston 38”W Brass Fireplace Screen
Dimensions: 38”W x 29”H Brass
Rebuilding Exchange Evanston 42”W Brass Fireplace Screen
Dimensions: 42”W x 34”H Brass
Rebuilding Exchange Chicago Solid Brass Andirons Set/2
Heavy solid brass andirons. Great vintage pieces, good condition.
Rebuilding Exchange Chicago Brass and Black Andirons Set/2
Metal andirons. Lightweight. Nice vintage pieces with brass and potmetal details.